If you’d like to learn the incredibly simple formulas behind my copywriting success, I invite you to view my classic instructional videos: How to Write Long Copy that Makes Money and Breakthrough Copywriting.
I’ve also created three video copy coaching sessions, where I walk you through three big controls, line by line, they include:
Video Coaching Session No. 1
How to Write a Blockbuster Control, featuring The $20 Solar Doubler.
This thing was money every time it got rolled out.
The reason was simple:
This short e-letter combined the vision of a predictions package with numerous hard-hitting “reasons why” this stock would jump from $13 to $26 in advance of earnings.
As you’ll see, every single proof-point that was made not only supported the premise but also played directly into assumptions all investors have about stocks that jump on earnings.
Click here for the full description
Video Coaching Session No. 2,
The Almost Perfect Stock was one of my longest-running email controls for Louis Navellier’s Blue Chip Growth advisory. This control ran for seven years!
The idea behind this ad came from an old John Caples ad titled Fix Almost Any Car. The power was in the word, “almost.”
You see, Caples had tested How to Fix Any Car vs. How to Fix Almost Any Car. The headline with the word “almost” crushed the other one by a country mile.
I used that knowledge to craft The Almost Perfect Stock. My version was so powerful, it was the control for seven years by simply updating the numbers or subbing out different stocks.
Click here for the full description
Video Coaching Session No. 3
Back during the 2008 market sell-off, I wrote a series of back-end promotions for Louis Navellier’s Quantum Growth trading advisory.
This was one of the best. It played up the fear so much, investors did a swan dive to the order form to purchase this advisory at $699 (quarterly) to learn of the stocks that would save their future.
This little e-letter was so effective it was sent weekly, bringing in tens of thousands of dollars on each rollout, as it provided readers leadership in the financial markets.